Who We Are

Yuwa Evam Samaj Vikas Samitti, Dsti- Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand is a Voluntary Social Organization working for the development of society. As mentioned above that although organization was registered on 2019 but it has been carrying out its activities for the last several years in rural & urban areas of Dist. Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand as established with basic aim on providing social services to all community. The organization aims to ensure quality education, sustainable livelihood and employment to poor and deprived people, provide facilities and amenities with the purpose of improving their quality of life. With the objective of socioeconomic development of the targeted beneficiaries the organization works as a catalyst to fire up the dormant imagination and enterprise of the deprived sections and tries to put them on the threshold of upliftment and growth. Ever since its inception the organization has been implementing programmes and projects granted/funded by various departments of the govt. and well wishers and lakhs of people have been benefited through the same. Its area of activities include literacy and education, health care, livelihood enhancement through resources management and promotion of entrepreneurship and creation of employment, environment conservation, agriculture development, women and youth development, women and youth development, rural infrastructure development etc. The organization is guided by secular outlook while implementing various programmes and enrollment of beneficiaries does not pay any heed to cast, color or religion. However socioeconomic weakness and deprivation are taken as the main criteria for selection and beneficiaries for the purpose of their up liftman and advancement in the society. Objective of the Organisation The main objective of Yuwa Evam Samaj Vikas Samitti, Dist- Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand is to work for achieving overall development of the poor, downtrodden and disadvantage sections of people without any discrimination of castes, creed and religion so that the targeted beneficiaries join together, generate a fellow feeling work together and devote themselves positively for mutual development and the overall development of the society.

Our Approach

Who are we?

Yuwa Evam Samaj Vikas Samitti, Dsti- Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand is a Voluntary Social Organization working for the development of society. As mentioned above that although organization was registered on 2019 but it has been carrying out its activities for the last several years in rural & urban areas of Dist. Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand as established with basic aim on providing social services to all community. The organization aims to ensure quality education, sustainable livelihood and employment to poor and deprived people, provide facilities and amenities with the purpose of improving their quality of life. With the objective of socioeconomic development of the targeted beneficiaries the organization works as a catalyst to fire up the dormant imagination and enterprise of the deprived sections and tries to put them on the threshold of upliftment and growth. Ever since its inception the organization has been implementing programmes and projects granted/funded by various departments of the govt. and well wishers and lakhs of people have been benefited through the same. Its area of activities include literacy and education, health care, livelihood enhancement through resources management and promotion of entrepreneurship and creation of employment, environment conservation, agriculture development, women and youth development, women and youth development, rural infrastructure development etc. The organization is guided by secular outlook while implementing various programmes and enrollment of beneficiaries does not pay any heed to cast, color or religion. However socioeconomic weakness and deprivation are taken as the main criteria for selection and beneficiaries for the purpose of their up liftman and advancement in the society. Objective of the Organisation The main objective of Yuwa Evam Samaj Vikas Samitti, Dist- Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand is to work for achieving overall development of the poor, downtrodden and disadvantage sections of people without any discrimination of castes, creed and religion so that the targeted beneficiaries join together, generate a fellow feeling work together and devote themselves positively for mutual development and the overall development of the society.


— Our Mission

The mission of the organization is to work for sustainable holistic development by conducting research studies, surveys and need based assessment of programmes for rural and urban development, mobilizing & empowering rural community with focus on women, providing them quality education, health care, family welfare, vocational training and creating awareness on Conservation of environment and inculcation of values and culture, thereby achieving the overall objective of contributing to the all-round development of the deprived section of the society.


— Our Vision

Yuwa Evam Samaj Vikas Samitti, Dist- Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand as a voluntary organization envisions to support and empower resource poor community to organize themselves in a collaborative spirit, develop, manage and run welfare activities/schemes for the larger benefit of the community and help them join the mainstream of society.